Ponte Rosso Galleria Virtuale


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                  Silvio Sangiorgi, Distratta, 2015









                  GALLERIA PONTE ROSSO
                  20121 - Milano via Brera 2
                  Tel./Fax 02/86461053
                  Corrispondenza: via Monte di Pietà 1/A
                 Orario di apertura: 10-12.30  /  15.30-19
Chiusura: domenica  e luned́ 

PiazzasCourtyarsCircus RingsStage 

25 February  - 4 March 2017

Entertainment throughout the ages has brought wonder, happiness, and amazement to people of all nations. The performers of this amusement were known by many different names: acrobats, tightrope walkers, jumpers, stilt walkers, illusionists, barkers, animal tamers, fighters, minstrels, jugglers, puppeteers, troubadours, dancers, tumblers etc. At f́rst these men and women entertained the public in outdoor spaces, such as squares, plazas and piazzas. They traveled between farmyards and the courts. Their sophisticated performances such as jokes, songs, animal and magic tricks were many times shunned and banished in the rural areas. However, in the towns and cities they were welcomed and abetted. On stage the three main themes were: mysteries, romance and life lessons. In the circus their acts animated the public and kept them entertained by making the impossible, possible. Therefore, to tell the complete story of the basic human need for entertainment, one needs the public square, the show, the masterpiece, and finally me, the MIME.

                                                             Silvio Sangiorgi

